For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. — 2 Corinthians 10:3-5(NIV)
This Is My Life
A look at the life of Steve Sutton! A Christian, husband and a Father, working and living in Grantham Lincolnshire UK.
Wednesday, October 31, 2001
I am still feeling a bit down at the moment, I have told work that I will work on Saturday but under sufferance. I feel like that things are getting me down at the moment and I don’t like it. I think that it is over work and just a lack of motivation, some would call it apathy I think that they might be right. On a good note the car is now working and Mandy is happy. I think that N has done a good job and his bill wasn’t bad either. I had a phone call from the manager of radio witham today. I was expecting it, I told her that I would like to give up my job on the committee as I felt that it was getting me down and that I couldn’t give my full time to it. She took my resignation and I feel bad about it because I feel like I have let people down but deep down it also know that it was right. I have just slept most of the evening and then watched some TV I have got to go to work tomorrow so I need to go to bed soon I hope that I will feel better at the weekend. Mandy and James seem happy and I am glad. I think that I will have to get my head right soon.
Tuesday, October 30, 2001
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. — Psalm 32:7(NIV)
Is life ok? I think it is but I am still quite peed off after yesterday and today was just as bad. Work was as bad yesterday and I still haven't got the car fixed. Mandy had to take James on the bus, which is I suppose greener but she had to stay in town for two hours but she had her hair cut and looks lovely. I have slept for most of the afternoon, as my friend N who will work on the car was not at home so I had some time to sleep it felt good. When I finally woke up I just felt like watching TV but there was not much on at all apart from the west wing witch was good. I feel like I need a weekend off again but it seems that I will end up working Saturday. That's about it, I am still a bit peeved but I pray that it will get better tomorrow.
Monday, October 29, 2001
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. ? Ephesians 6:12(NIV)
I think that I am getting a little stressed today. I got up for work this morning and went on my bike that was great the freshness of the morning is exhilarating and it makes me feel wonderful. However, I just feel like the odds are staked up against me this week I got to work and had to start strait away because my department was running all night and I had to take over. This means that I had to get the dept and cleaned the way that I like it after the other shift had been working. I also had a engineer working on one machine because I was told it was not working right, I later found that it was ok and there was a problem with the scales that the QC had set up wrong and that is not my Job. The rest of the day went even more down hill as things just didn't go right at all, so I got even more stressed. Then I came home only to find that Mandy was mad because the car has stopped on her as she was taking James to school so I had to look at that. My friend N helped me, we found out that it was the starter motor and I called the RAC in the hope that they would fit a new one. They told me that they wouldn't fit a new one but they could take it to a garage to have it done and it would cost about £100, I told them no thanks and will get N to do it for me tomorrow. I have now got the find the money to pay for it.
Mandy called her mother to tell her about the car and her day only to find the she has got a problem with her car as well but hers is worse than ours, her car has caught fire. She was ok though and she has a hire car while the garage looks at it. Mandy was even more stressed at this point. James has been ok but I think with us all being stressed we on occasion had to tell him off because he was playing the fool and getting in the way, I think that we all get a bit short tempered when stressed. James was lovely thought when he worked out in his own way that something's was going on, he just played and was quiet when he needed to be, I gave him a bit of a pep talk and he was happy. I think that James is the best son that I could wish for.
So today has been one of those days that I wish I never got out of bed. I was glad for asleep this afternoon. I still feel a bit stressed but I think that I will read some of my book and I am quite shore that Harry potter will settle me down for the night before I go to bed. Did I just say that? I sound like an old man. God I must be getting old?
Sunday, October 28, 2001
Church was very, very good a lot better than the service last week. It was our minister Tony who was preaching today and he preached very well. The sermon started out as what I would call a normal sermon for Tony but it seemed to take on a new feel when he made the offer for people to come to the front and make a recommital to Jesus. I think that God must of planed this because people did, there was a feeling in the Church that I can only say was from God, the rest of the service was just grate. I think that the Church needed this to happen things have been moving in our church for some time and this is only part of it. There was a lot of talk after the service and it was all good. Our friend M came for lunch after the service and we had a good afternoon just talking and drinking tea. James was full of fun and showing off. He is still a love though and makes me laugh. It was good to just relax and talk, I feel very rested but I am still not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. The phone hasn't stopped today but it was all good G phone and we had a good talk even thought he was here yesterday. J has phoned and is still talking to Mandy. I have phoned my mother and she is fine. My mother in law also phoned to say that she was on the way home from Scotland and was having a nice journey home, later she phoned to say that he was safely home and happy to be back.
I was thinking about the earthquake that happened today. I was thinking how vulnerable we humans are on this planet; in the scheme of things we are a small part of the whole. What mean by this is that we are all rushing around on the planet and thinking that we own the place but the truth is that we are just stewards of it. God has given to us the world we should be taking good care of it. I feel maybe this earthquake is just a small note to let us know who is the boss. God it the one who can move mountains and make the earth move and we should just take note. We are not in control and should worship him. It was also interesting that after the quake we all felt as thought some thing had taken our wind from us, if that is the right words to use, we felt sort of funny I can't quite get my head around it but it was a little frightening. May be it was just us but I don't know. I know that God must have something going on to make that happen.
The universe is wider than our views of it. — Henry David Thoreau
We have had an earth quake here in Grantham today it happened at about 16:30 this afternoon and lasted a few seconds. I was very weird the whole house shook and we felt it. Mandy went outside to see if anything had happened because we thought that there might be an accident or something and the whole street was out looking worried. Latter on the TV we heard on the news that it an earth quake and that it covered four counties. The phone hasn't stopped with people calling to find out what has happened. I know one thing Mandy and I both felt funny after it felt a bit like shock. We had a friend with us as well and she said the same. Very Weird.
I think that I have got a set of colours that I like, I am not shore yet I will leave them and see if they grow on me.
Saturday, October 27, 2001
Very nice day today good to just chill and also made even better by the fact that we have had friends with us today. G & K came to spend the day with us and it was good to just catch up and talk about things. James loved having them both to play with he wouldn’t leave them alone for one minute. James didn’t want to go to bed at all but he finally got to bed and we haven’t heard a peep out of him since. It was sad to see them go home but I hope to be seeing them both before Christmas. Mandy has gone to bed and I about to play with the template on the Blog to see if I like any new colours I hope to find one soon it feels like having to chose wallpaper for the front room all over again.
Friday, October 26, 2001
The one good thing about BlogBuddy is that I can now work on my template without going through Blogger all the time and I can see it better as well, so I hope to be working on the site more as I have been putting things off because of it.
There are some things which cannot be learned quickly, and time, which is all we have, must be paid heavily for their acquiring. ? Ernest Hemingway
Things have been good today Mandy, James and I all went shopping at Asda and had a meal there before I went to work, we also took James to TC’S play barn and let him play for an hour before we came home it was good that he could just have some play time with other children. Mandy says that he has been a good boy all day and was glad to go to bed. I had a good day at work nothing went wrong at all. I was glad to come home and start the weekend though. I have just got in front of the computer to read my mail and to Blog and was greeted with a quite a few mail so I have to read them before I go to bed. I have also just down loaded the new version of blogbuddy and am happy to say the I will be using that from now on the only thing that I would like to see as an extra it a spell checker but I am shore that that will be in the pipe line soon.
Thursday, October 25, 2001
To day has been a good day work was fine everything worked ok and the manager that was ok to. Mandy and I have had some QT this evening and I am properly going to go to bed soon as we have to get up tomorrow to do the boring things like shopping and paying bills. It is good to chill.
Wednesday, October 24, 2001
I’ve had a hard day at work today we were making KFC Zingers and I hate them they are just pain. Everyone gets stressed and I get even more stressed because things always go wrong on Zinger days. I feel that the Job is getting to me a little it is not that I don’t like it, I love the work but it can be a bit stressing and today was one off those days. It doesn’t help not having a proper manager and not knowing whom to go to all the time, it could be better. I was glad to come home and chill it’s good to just sit and listen to music and not think about much or to write this Blog I find that it is one of the best ways to let go off the stress of the day. So I am listing to a Debussy CD enjoying his poetic impressions. I had a good sleep this morning James came into our room at about 0700 and we both told him to go back to bed as it was still dark, the best bit was he did and we didn’t get a peep out of him for about an hour and a half which was good. James then came in to us again full of his usual self but we let him watch TV in our bed as we both tried to get some more sleep he was quite good and Mandy got up and took him down stairs at about 0900. I got up about 1030 and was glad of the extra time, as I have got a cold coming. Mandy was grate and I am very thankful for her, I wouldn’t know what to do without her some times. James is lovely but he can be hard work, sometimes he will not listen and I know that Mandy can have a hard time with him but as far as I am concerned she dose a grate job with James, far better that I would do, and after all he is only three. G phone me this morning to have a chat and he thought that it would be nice to come and see use on Saturday with K so we have something to look forward to this weekend. I miss not seeing G, as much as I used to it will be good to talk to him face to face rather than the phone. We will properly end up talking about Star Trek or computers much to the dislike of the wife’s but boys will be boys.
Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which individually seem odorless but all together perfume the air. — Georges Bernanos
Tuesday, October 23, 2001
James got us up at 08:30 this morning and Mandy was a love and got up to look after him. He has been a live wire all day never stopping. I suppose that is normal for a three year old. I have got to go to work this after noon and will probably be working over time so I am not looking forward to that but hay it’s a Job.
Monday, October 22, 2001
I got up this morning at about 1030am after a good sleep I was having a good dream but I can’t remember what it was about. I hate that sort of thing when you try and remember what you where dreaming about and then can’t. Mandy said that she had a good dream that felt very real, it was about a house and we had brought it to live in and she was showing it off I think I like that kind of dream better that the one I had. James woke me up this morning by sinking his teeth into my big toe on my right foot. I have very sensitive feet and the one thing that you don’t expect to have happen to you when you are asleep is a three year old coming in the bed room and trying to eat your big toe, Mandy said that I screamed at him I can’t remember as I went back to sleep strait away. Still I look on the funny side it may have been a bad dream. Work was ok I was fed up as soon as I started but what is new I was glad to come home tomorrow hopefully will be better K is back and we will not be as stressed. Mandy and I watched a video when I got home it was ok then I went to get James up to go to the toilet but he ended up urinating in the bed then on me. He always does that to me he never had done that to his mother I think that he thinks it is funny and waits for me then fires at me. I wonder sometimes if his mother has told him to do it. Still I think that he loves me. Thats all that has been happening in my life today I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
Sunday, October 21, 2001
Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness. — George Sand
Church was interesting today as it was a preacher who I find hard to listen to his service went on and on and I felt like I was going to be there all day. His children’s address was bad and I mean so bad that I even felt like telling him after. It was like a very bad history lesson at school and that is giving it the benefit of the doubt. However, we as a church have had some good news, we have just been given £15.550 for our new building project. We need £650.000 to build a new church and community centre we have now got about £430.000 in the pot so I think that we will be in our new church by next winter. It is good to go to a church where there are people that make the place feel like a family. Today was also a Youth Fellowship day, we discussed the use of the death penalty it a hard subject to talk about. I think that E did very well, I had the feeling that the group found it hard to talk tonight maybe it was because there was quit a few people away and that didn’t help I don’t know. Mandy was wonderful today she also found that the preacher today was bad. She has been great cooking and looking after James while I got some time to myself. Mandy has been feeling a bit down. I think with lack of sleep and stress of looking after two children in the house [myself and James] so I told her to go to bed and I let her sleep most of the afternoon. She does a wonderful job keeping James and myself on track. James has been his usual self always into things and happy I am shore that he is hyper sometimes. So today I think as a hole has been a good day I just think that the weekend needs to be a little longer and I should work less hours in the week for more pay and everything would be fine I hope that tomorrow is as good if not better I will have to wait and see I suppose.
Saturday, October 20, 2001
For a few hours we call night it seems to be gone, but it is still shiningly there and will reappear on the morrow. Storms may darken the sky at noonday, but the sun is still there and will soon break through. — Neal A. Maxwell
Watch the stars, and from them learn. To the Master's honor all must turn, each in its track, without a sound, forever tracing Newton's ground. — Albert Einstein
Friday, October 19, 2001
I am listening to a CD that I have had for years it is Cathedral music By Thomas Weelkes sung by Winchester Cathedral Choir. I brought it about eight years ago when I lived and worked Winchester; I have been listening to it now for some time and I find that it somehow relaxes me. It also reminds me about Winchester Cathedral which is my favourite Cathedral; I used to love to walk around it looking at the history and art on a Saturday afternoon. It was nice to sit and listen to the choir and think about nothing but life. I suppose I miss it when I think about it. I like music I wouldn’t know what to do if my CD player packed up and I had no music. I suppose that is why I like to go the Hospital Radio and play my own music, I know that sometimes I complain about the radio but I do find it fun. Like today I had a good time just doing my own thing and not thinking about much and having a laugh then D came and talked to me and gave me all the gossip and we put the world to rights, that is what I call life. Not that I will have much time to spend enjoying my life this weekend as I have got to go to work tomorrow and do over time for eight hours. Work today was ok at but K was on holiday so we had a lot more on than normal but we coped because we have a trainee that R is training he seems ok. After work today I met Mandy and James in town and had a McDonalds. James loved it: then we all went shopping after which we came home, I just felt so tired again so I went to bed for a few hours and woke up at six. I didn’t get to play with James much today I will have to make it up to him sometime. After I came home from the hospital Mandy and I watched this drama about the Second World War; it is good, but a bit too true to life. I think about all the people who have lost the lives in war. It is not very nice to think that in my innocence as a child I used to play at being at war. I think now about the War in Afghanistan and how sad it must be for those people who have to undergo war and the thought of loosing friends and family not just for the troops on our side but the innocent people in Afghanistan the women and children and dare I say the Taliban troops as well. I think that it is meaningless and it should not be happening. I pray that it will all end soon.
Thursday, October 18, 2001
I have done nothing but sleep since I got home this afternoon and I feel like I need more. I am on early’s this week and hating it. Work is ok and it was funny today as I kept playing jokes on people and they got me a few times as well but I just can’t get my head in to early starts that is all. I felt a bit guilty today as I used the car to go to work. Mandy had to take James to school on the bus and have to walk to a friends which she wasn’t happy about but I have got a bad knee and I thought that it would be better if I went in the car rather that the bike. I think James loves his school and is very happy; he starts his half term this week so he has a week off. I didn’t think that he would loose his happy nature though. Many has gone to bed early tonight because se don’t feel well and I think she also is tired after all the walking that she has done today. I haven’t spoken to any one today on the phone just watched the TV and played on the computer I watched this programme on people having plastic surgery, things like Brest Implants and the fat sucked out of them Horrible. I would never think about having it done and I can’t afford it anyway.
Wednesday, October 17, 2001
Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. — Buddha
Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself. — Samuel Butler
Tuesday, October 16, 2001
Monday, October 15, 2001
You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself. — Alan Alda
I didn’t want to get up for work today I felt like some one had hit me on the head and left me. I got Mandy to take me to work while J who has been staying with us looked after James, I say look after James they were both a sleep when I left and I think the were still sleeping when Mandy got back 10mins later. My first day back was fine and I had a good rest then only thing was that I felt sleepy all day but what’s new. J when home today so that leaves Mandy, James and myself again. We had a nice evening in together and James was wonderful he is growing up so fast we can’t shut him up he keeps asking questions all the time I can’t fault him, everything is so new at the age of three and a half. I wish I were that age again.
Sunday, October 14, 2001
While it is well enough to leave footprints on the sands of time, it is even more important to make sure they point in a commendable direction. — James Branch Cabell
I am back from my holiday at last I got back yesterday and was to tired to do much so I went to bed. Today was a good day I went to church and had a good service and then I preached at a youth service in the evening. The whole service was very good and the Youth did me proud. I felt like I didn’t want to preach at all but I had to I think that I was ok but I could of done better but I think that I got my point over. I think that the best part of the evening was a trip to MacDonald’s, it was good to just sit and chill and not have to think about any more church things. Any way I will talk about my holiday and what has happened tomorrow because I have to go to bed and get some sleep because it is back to work tomorrow for me. Boo Hiss.
Wednesday, October 10, 2001
I have got engrossed in my holiday and I will be going away for a few days so if you want to read some one else’s bog go a head I don’t mind a bit just remember to come back.
Monday, October 08, 2001
The first day of my holiday and I slept till 11am I think that I needed it. I went with Mandy to pick James up from his nursery witch I thought was fun because James didn’t want to leave at all and kept sitting down and saying he wanted to stay all day but he soon got up with a promise of a trip to the park which be did later on it the day. James loved going to the park he is such a friendly child he will go up to anyone and talk to them and play with the other children. He loved it and again he didn’t want to leave the park at all but he soon found the duck on the way out and all was forgotten. We went to se a friend later, I looked at her computer, did some stuff on it, and then we all came home for dinner. James was very tired and I think glad to go to bed witch was good for use because he didn’t make a sound at all after he went up. I have been working on a service for Sunday evening and I feel like I am getting no where at all with the sermon I just can’t seem to get my head round it at the moment and the clock it ticking. I will be burning the midnight oil tonight I think. That is about all today just chilling and enjoying my time off.
Sunday, October 07, 2001
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, with your right hand you save me. — Psalm 138:7
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. — Hebrews 4:12(NIV)
Went to church today and I have had better sermons to think about although it was well put together I just couldn’t get into it a all. Maybe it is because I was recording the service or the fact that I have been very tired I am not shore but I found that it was not for me. I came home a read some of my book witch I have just started I am reading the Harry Potter books again because I felt that I wanted to get of Star Trek for a bit and also I have just got my own set to read. I didn’t realized how much I missed the first time I read them and I am glad that I am reading them again, I think that I will read them a lot fast this time as well. Mandy and James had a nice afternoon as well as Mandy had some time on her own and James played happily in the front room while I was reading. Youth fellowship was good we worked out a service for next week, I have got lots to do now, and we also talk about the attack on Afghanistan and we prayed for the situation. I hope and pray that things don’t go to far over this. I know that there was some fear in the group about war and the possibility of a world war. I am not shore what to say about that I am a little frightened about it as well but what can we do. I look at my son James and think about the world that we live in and I hope and pray that he has a good and safe life and lives a long time but I just don’t know. I know that God has it all worked out but I still can’t help but think about James’ future and I wish that I could protect him all his life but I know that some day both Mandy and I will just have to let go and hope that he is ok. May be it is just the thought of the unknown but I am shore about the fact that with Gods help things will be ok for us all.
U.S.S. Enterprise May Interfere With Earth.
The crew of the Enterprise-D has concerns about the escalating violence on Earth. Here are their views on what should be done about it.
Enterprise Resource Site.
This is a very nice site with information on the cast, the episodes (past and future), statistics on how many people have watched each episode, and much more.
Saturday, October 06, 2001
A high heart ought to bear calamities and not flee them, since in bearing them appears the grandeur of the mind and in fleeing them the cowardice of the heart. — Pietro Aretino
For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. — Psalm 107:9(NIV)
Friday, October 05, 2001
I am on holiday for the next week and I don’t have to think about work at all. So I hope that this will be the last time that I think about it. I had a good night at the radio to day played some good music and had a good chat with C and D we couldn’t stop laughing at one point. Some times I think that I would like to give up going to the radio but then after times like tonight I think that I wouldn’t know what to do if I gave up going. The thing is that I can’t be doing with the meetings and comities that go with it if I could just give you the working committee then I think I would feel a lot better. Mandy, James and I are looking forward to spending some good QT together and I hope that we can have some fun together. I am not too shore what we are going to do this week but I hope we can have some fun at least. I have got a service to work on for next week as well so I hope to get that done this week as well as reading as much of my books as I can I do find that I can’t relax without treading some book and I do need to relax some times. The only thing about reading books it that you have to buy them and I could I would buy up a whole book shop, if I had the money and the time to read them all.
Thursday, October 04, 2001
Not much has happened today except that A has gone home and James can’t wait till she comes again. After A left I just went to bed and slept I have been feeling so tired the last few days and I just needed to stop. Mandy was wonderful and let me to sleep, she even thinks that I should be in bed now but I thought that I should do something on the computer or I would be wasting my free time. I can’t wait till 2pm tomorrow, as I will be officially on holiday for the week I hope to get some sleep then. James is a sleep in bed and I think that I will look in on him just to see him sleeping and then I think that I will go as well.
Wednesday, October 03, 2001
I forgot to say I had my haircut yesterday as well Mandy got the clippers out and gave me a skin head I now look like Uncle Fester from the Adams family. I like it.
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. — Albert Einstein
I have had a very good day today work was well, work if you know what I mean, it was ok is all that I will say about that. The best part of that day was when I came home and was told by Mandy, A and James that we were all going out to Nottingham to go ice-skating at the ice arena. I thought that it was a good idea and we all went and had a very good time. It was James’s fist time skating which was fun for him and A because as she was trying to show him how to skate, remembering that he’s only three and a half and can’t quite take to being told how to do something. I think that they both did very well and if he goes a few more times he would properly get the hang of it. I myself can’t ice skate at all and had to be also shown by A how to get around I think that I like it but am in need of a lot more practice and confidence before I can openly call myself a skater although I am looking forward to going again. Thanks A for a great afternoon out. One thing that had finished the day off was a lovely dinner cooked by Mandy and then a quick snooze in the chair for a while and now the thought of bed is very good right now.
Tuesday, October 02, 2001
In spring, hundreds of flowers; in autumn, a harvest moon; In summer, a refreshing breeze; in winter, snow will accompany you. If useless things do not hang in your mind, Any season is a good season for you. Ekai
I have had a nice and steady day at work today, I just had to watch what was happening and let the rest do all that work makes a change. I haven’t had any more dreams so far this week just woke up from deep sleep I think it is because I must be on mornings this week. Mandy and James have had a nice day as a friend “A” as come to stay for a few days. This is also good for me as I get to have the car most of the week for work as “A” has her own car, I think that we will just chill and watch some TV tonight, and I will try and get to bed early I hope.