Friday, October 26, 2001

Things have been good today Mandy, James and I all went shopping at Asda and had a meal there before I went to work, we also took James to TC’S play barn and let him play for an hour before we came home it was good that he could just have some play time with other children. Mandy says that he has been a good boy all day and was glad to go to bed. I had a good day at work nothing went wrong at all. I was glad to come home and start the weekend though. I have just got in front of the computer to read my mail and to Blog and was greeted with a quite a few mail so I have to read them before I go to bed. I have also just down loaded the new version of blogbuddy and am happy to say the I will be using that from now on the only thing that I would like to see as an extra it a spell checker but I am shore that that will be in the pipe line soon.


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