Just had a good day all round today Work was ok again but I have to work tomorrow. I went to the radio station and did my show, had a good time there. I hope to write more tomorrow but for now bed.
This Is My Life
A look at the life of Steve Sutton! A Christian, husband and a Father, working and living in Grantham Lincolnshire UK.
Friday, November 30, 2001
Thursday, November 29, 2001
Life was ok today I had a good day as a whole. Work went very fast. I have spent the night at home not doing much at all. Had a shower and am about to go to bed. I will see what tomorrow brings.
Wednesday, November 28, 2001
WHO is now reading this?
May-be one is now reading this who knows some wrong-doing of my past life,
Or may-be a stranger is reading this who has secretly loved me,
Or may-be one who meets all my grand assumptions and egotisms with derision,
Or may-be one who is puzzled at me. 5
As if I were not puzzled at myself!
Or as if I never deride myself! (O conscience-struck! O self-convicted!)
Or as if I do not secretly love strangers! (O tenderly, a long time, and never avow it;)
Or as if I did not see, perfectly well, interior in myself, the stuff of wrong-doing,
Or as if it could cease transpiring from me until it must cease. 10
Walt Whitman (1819–1892). Leaves of Grass. 1900.
The ride to work was not as nice as yesterday is was ok but I felt tired and my legs hurt a bit. The rest of the day was fine Mandy and James seemed to have a good day as well. I got home and to find that my mother in-law had sent me an old photograph of my farther in-law when he was a baby, she wanted me to make a copy of it and clean up for her. It was a mess it had scratches on it and someone even had scribbled on it with a pencil at one point. I had to spend ages on it cleaning it and removing scratches from it but it has worked out great Mandy and I have printed of some new copy’s and will spend them up to her tomorrow I hope that she likes them. It was good to spend time with Mandy we had fun trying to work out a new images program that I have got she even showed me a few things. James has still got his cold and has woken up shouting his mother saying that he has got a “snotty nose” it made Mandy and I giggle after he went bad to sleep. James has got such a way about him I think that he is just cool; I am shore that he gets it from Mandy. I was thinking about Christmas. I can’t wait to see James’ face on Christmas morning when he finds all his presents around the tree I remember what it was like when I was young I hope that we can capture some of the magic that I has when I was his age. I am beginning to count the days now.
Tuesday, November 27, 2001
I got up this morning feeling like I should never go to bed late again, it was cold and there was ice on the roads. The nice thing about the morning was the ride to work though it was nice to hear the frost crunch under my weels and the cold but waking bite of the air on my face as I rode down the hill on our estate was quite bracing to say the least. When I finally got to work and never stopped until I got home. Mandy was good enough to picked me up in the car which I needed because it was raining very hard, when I got to the car I was soaked so I hate to think what I would have been like if I had to ride all the way home. We got home and I just chilled then fell asleep as I normally do, I was woken up by Mandy talking to James and I felt a little sick and full of cold, I have been fighting of a cold for days and I think that it seems to be wining. James was a love before he went to bed we were playing a tickle game and he was screaming and laughing at the same time he loved it, he kept on shouting stop them kept coming back for more he is just a love. After James had go to be Mandy and I had dome time together Mandy read some of her book and I watched some soaps on TV which is a first for me as I don't like that sort of thing at all. It is funny how much of the story line you can tell what is has happened and what is about to happen I just find it funny to watch. I would rather watch a good film or documentary.
Monday, November 26, 2001
Sunday, November 25, 2001
The weekend has been interesting I left work on Friday evening and came home and Mandy, James and I all got in the car and went to Yorkshire. We had a good journey up we did it in two hours, but we all felt tired so we soon went to bed. Saturday morning was pretty hectic as I felt very ill and got up early feeing sick which also meant that James was up as well and we all didn't get any sleep from then on. The whole point of the weekend was so the we could go to see our dentist David which was good because Mandy some how had a filling fall out of her tooth while we were travelling up to see him.

Our Dentist's Surgery in Layburn North Yorkshire.
We got home late Saturday evening and I went to bed late but thinking that I would get a good nights sleep but how wrong could I be it was James' turn to get up feeling ill, his cold has got even worse and he couldn't sleep at all so we all had an early morning again. The rest of the day was fine I had a service to preach at so I went and did that and then came home and had dinner after which we all fell asleep in the afternoon which I think that we all needed after the mornings antics. Mandy and James are in bed and I can still hear James coughing I hope that we don't have a sleepless night again but I suppose that is what you call being a parent, and I wouldn't change anything on that part.
Thursday, November 22, 2001
The earth is the cradle of the mind ? but one cannot eternally live in a cradle. ? Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky
I got up late this morning I think that I needed it. I have been burning the midnight oil a bit over the last few days and Mandy had been saying that she is not happy about it. I don't blame her I know I have been waking her up when I go to bed. The thing is that with working shifts, I come home a night and I don't feel sleepy at all I feel like I just need to do something and then be for I know it I find that it is the early hours of the morning. My body clock has been mucked about so much that I don't know what time I should go to be and when I should get up I sometimes hate working shifts.
When I finally got up Many James and I all went to town and had dinner at Mac Donald's then we all came home. Mandy and James went to look at a new school for James today I think that James liked it and I think it will be the school that he will most likely end up going to next September we will find out next year sometime.
The rest of the day was fine for me, the time at work went very quickly and I am glad to be home I felling very happy about life a the moment and I can't wait until tomorrow because I will be in Yorkshire for some of the weekend. I know that James is looking forward to seeing his grandparents as well I hope to have a nice weekend.
Wednesday, November 21, 2001
The World is not dangerous because of those who do harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything. — Albert Einstein
Today has been a very good day for me Work was good and I haven’t had any problems for ages. Mandy and James are well I am feeling fine and thinks for now seem to be ok. I have just got a new printer and I feeling very happy because I can now print photographs and good graphics. I have been carping on to Mandy about my old printer for some time and she finally gave in after I found a printer that was a good price. I am pleased with it and can’t believe how fast it is. I have got a new game for my computer it is called The Sims it is very interesting to play all I can say is that it is cool but also geekey at the same time. It is like any game that I ply thought I soon get bored and will find a good book to read instead. I was thinking about James today and how this Christmas will be his third one, time has gone fast. It only seems like yesterday that he was still a babe in arms, he is three and a half now. I think that this year will be a good Christmas because James will know what it is all about and he will get into it more. He already sort of know who Farther Christmas is and I am quite shore that he will fully know who and what he is by the time Christmas come. I for one can’t wait.
Tuesday, November 20, 2001
Monday, November 19, 2001
Life is fine today, work went fast and I was glad to come home. J has gone home as well but he will be ck soon for the new year. James has been ill most of the day and has been sick as well I think that his cold has turned into flu we are watching him very closely and I think if he isn't better tomorrow I will take him to the doctors. I think Mandy is thinking the same. just a thought tomorrow it will be only five weeks to Christmas.
Sunday, November 18, 2001
I haven’t stopped since Friday so that’s why I haven’t written anything sine then. What can I say the Harry Potter film was very good indeed and I can’t wait until that next one is finished I got home very late on Saturday morning and I slept most of the morning. Saturday night I went to the Ice Hockey and saw the Panthers loose to Belfast Giants 1-7 bad game for us but it was still good to go and spend some time with R. Today was ok I had to get up early to look after James because he wouldn’t go back to bed when he woke up at 06:45 and I volunteered to get up. Church was ok the service was fine and the preacher was ok nothing special to say really just that I have heard better. Mandy, James, J and I all came home and had lunch, which was wonderfully, cooked by Mandy and then I fell asleep in the chair. I woke up and had to get ready for Youth Fellowship. We were talking about cloning and the Christian view, I think that we all decided that it would be wrong to clone humans and that there is a line to be drawn at how far we should be experimenting on animals because it is still wrong to do. Came home and had a good talk with Mandy and J for the rest of the evening. I should be in bed soon having to work tomorrow.
Friday, November 16, 2001
Of to see the New Harry Potter film now and I hope that it is good. Today has been grate wish that I had more.
Thursday, November 15, 2001
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. — Viktor Frankl
T-bone Steak, Chips, peas and onion rings. That is what I have had for my dinner this evening. J is staying with us for the weekend and we all went out for a meal. I just couldn't resist having T-bone steak is was wonderful it made my mouth water and I am still thinking about it now. I can say that is was one of the best steaks that I have had in a long time, my complements to the chief Muddle Go Nowhere pub Grantham. Mandy had her usual Hickory Chicken and J had fillet Steak which he said was very good and rated it as 7 and a half out of ten which is a good mark for him. James had turkey dinosaurs that also disappeared very fast as well. The meal was a good end to what was a good day. We spent the rest of the evening talking and watching a video. It is nice to have good friends around and I still can't wait until tomorrow night when J and I go to Nottingham to see the Harry Potter film 23 hours 35 minutes and counting.
Wednesday, November 14, 2001
Today was a good day Mandy has been grate and James well he has been a little bit of a Paine but I think as a whole he had been ok with me but he has given his mother the run around all day. We sent him to bed early just so that Mandy could have a rest from him. I have been doing my norm falling asleep and then feeling even more tired when I wake up. The whole day I suppose has been fine that place where 8 hours a day was ok as well. I am looking forward to the weekend and the thought of seeing the Harry Potter movie is even better. I have also got tickets for the Ice Hockey as well. I am a very happy boy. Only two more days to the weekend I can't wait.
Tuesday, November 13, 2001
There is nothing like walking to get the feel of a country. A fine landscape is like a piece of music; it must be taken at the right tempo. — Paul Scott Mowrer
I have had a good day today if was a day mixed with fun and also time to chill. I got up and rode to work on my bike it was great the fresh feel of the morning and the lack of people was exhilarating, it made me feel wide awake and I got to work in good time as well. I couldn’t stop laughing at work because of the things that we got up to and it made the day go by very quickly. Mandy picked me up from work with James they were both pleased to see me when we go home, and I just chilled and as it the norm I fell asleep. After James went to bed Mandy and I both watched TV. I love it sometimes just being able to just spend time with Mandy and not have any one getting in the way. We watched two episodes of the West Wing and enjoyed them both. Mandy has now gone to bed and I think that it will not be long before I join her too. I think that I will need to get as much sleep as I can this week because I have a very bust weekend this week and I hope to enjoy it the best I can.
Monday, November 12, 2001
Busy day I haven't had much sleep and I need my bed. Spent the evening with Mandy wraping Christmas presents.
Sunday, November 11, 2001
Interesting last few days I have been having some QT with Mandy and James while also working out a few things on the Blog. When I was at work it was fine and I haven’t worked must overtime at all. However, the best has been the fact that I have just chilled and note done much at all. Friday just flew by and Saturday was just the same Mandy was grate and James has been a ok most of the time. James has got what started out a simple cold but seems to be getting worse because he has now got a cough which has woken him up twice in the night, if it gets worse then we will take him to the doctors. We all skived of Church today because it was remembrance Sunday and Mandy and don’t like to go to church when it is, we both like to remember the Wars in our own way and feel that it would be wrong for us to go to church on remembrance day, it is the only day that we deliberately miss. We also went shopping this weekend to finish off the Christmas shopping. We can now say that we have finished it all apart from a few things, which Mandy says she will get tomorrow. James has got a very good present, which I will enjoy, playing with, Oops sorry I meant he will enjoy playing with. I couldn’t believe how many people that were shopping the weekend it seems to be that Christmas has also started, even the Christmas lights were up in Lincoln. So that’s about all and I suppose that it is time for be as I have to get up early tomorrow, lest see what the world has to offer me and my life tomorrow then.
Thursday, November 08, 2001
Today has been a good day I got up after a good sleep and then went out to fetch James form school, had lunch then spent some time with Mandy and James before going to work. Work was fine it was a good day the only down side was it was very cold and I had to put on some gloves to keep my hands warm. R & K were in high spirits and kept playing tricks on me I think that I gave them as good as I got. The management have been trying to change our Christmas shifts around; we have all been asked if we would work from 2am till 10am on Christmas eve and most people have told them where to go and have refused. I hope that the company will just leave it along and let up only work six hours 2am till 12pm. The only good thing about it would be that I would get away to Yorkshire earlier than if I finished at 12pm, but I don’t mind that much. As I have said work was fine and I am glad that it is Friday tomorrow and I am not working at all this weekend. I will have to see what tomorrow brings. No more snow I hope.
Wednesday, November 07, 2001
I got up Late this morning and I still felt sleepy. Mandy was good and looked after James and then took him to school. I cooked diner with Mandy and then got ready for work. James was grate he didn’t want me to go to work so he kept holding on to me and wouldn’t let me leave for work. In the end I had to promises that I would look in on him when I got home.
I had an easy day, which meant that things were fine and I had no stress at all, I even got time to have a chat and tell a few jokes with people, which was good. I got home at my normal time and James was in bed waiting for me, he had told Mandy that he wanted a goodnight kiss form me so I had to go and say goodnight to him and give him a kiss. I love him when he is like that. Mandy and I then had some time talking and she went to bed and I have just finished my book so I have now started a new book which I hope to get read soon as I have now got lots of books to read and no time to do it in. That’s about all that has happened today I am looking forward to the weekend though.
We hear voices in solitude, we never hear in the hurry and turmoil of life; we receive cousels and comforts, we get under no other condition. — Amelia Barr
Tuesday, November 06, 2001
I decided to take a bit of a time out and just rest when I could for a few days witch meant that I haven't even been near that computer properly. I have got myself right now, I am now chaching up with things, and this Blog is on the top of the list.
Sunday was a good day church was good and Youth fellowship was good as well even if I was leading it. Monday was a good day as well work was fine and I was glad to get home to sleep, even if I did fall asleep in a chair when I got home.
Today was a very good day work was grate we had a power cut and had to all leave our jobs and sit in the canteen till it was over so we sat for about an hour and a half talking and joking. It was good to have time to chill at work and also get paid for it.
At home Mandy had a lie in today and I took James to school, which was nice, then Mandy and I had some time to ourselves while he was out then I when to work. When I came home this evening Mandy was still up and we spent some time watching TV together, which was nice as well. That's about it for today Mandy is now it bed and I am about to join her. I hope that tomorrow is just as good.
Saturday, November 03, 2001
I worked over time today and I can say that it was one of the best days work that I have had in a long time. The day went without a hitch the machines work well and I didn’t have to stop at all, it felt good. I wish that weekdays were just as good.
I got home, my in-laws had arrived, and Mandy and here farther had started working on the garden hedge and are now as I write this sitting outside watching it burn away on a bonfire. I got roped into helping cut some of the trees down and stacking them up but I have kept away form the fire because I don’t like fires. To say they I don’t like them I think is an understatement because I completely detest bonfires and fires. I hate them because as a young child I walked into my house to find that it was on fire, I remember it so clear like it was yesterday I walked into the front room expecting to find my mother at home only to see the hole room in flames. I was shut in the room for a few seconds I couldn’t breath and felt hot and trapped. It seemed to last ages but it was seconds. I did get out and called for help. The memory has been with me ever since and some bonfires seem to set it off especially if they are in small places. I can’t understand why but I am ok if it was in a feed or some where open I think it is because I can run away if I wanted to but if I can’t then I just feel sort of tense and nerves. My farther in-law thinks that I am silly but he was a fireman and was trained to work with fire but I just live with it.
James has just gone to sleep after spending most of the evening with his nanny and me because he couldn’t sleep because of the bangs from the fireworks, things seem to have got quiet now so he has gone right to sleep. I think that he will get us up early just to spite us.
Friday, November 02, 2001
Life is looking better I think. I feel a lot better today than I have all week I think, maybe it is because it is the weekend or that I am on a late shift next week and I like them, I don’t know but I feel better. Work was very good today we had no problems at all and my manager kept out of the way which was even better. I have to work tomorrow as well which I don’t like but I will be having the next few weekends of anyway. R and K and I were in such a good mood today I think that it makes all the difference; it is better if when we are not stressed. Mandy was grate and picked me up from work so that I didn’t have to ride home on the bike I felt even better after that. James said the he missed me all day and was glad to see me, it made be feel nice to hear him say that. When I got home I did the same as I always do when I am on an early start I fell asleep and woke up feeling even more tired than I was. I didn’t go the radio at all today because I didn’t have time and I felt tired after the week’s work and the events that have gone on. I just needed to chill and have some time for me. Tomorrow apart from work my in-laws are coming to stay for the weekend I like having them stay, but I also like it when I go to Yorkshire to stay with them better. James is looking forward to them both coming too. As I have said before, I will be working most of tomorrow so I will see them when I can so it’s off to bed now because of that thing called work and I will see what tomorrow brings.
Thursday, November 01, 2001
Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. — William Faulkner
Today has been ok and I think that I am feeling a lot better within myself. I still feel like I need lots of rest and even more sleep but things I hope are getting better, I think that it has just been one of those weeks and I was just getting fed up with every thing. I think that bed is calling as the week isn’t over yet and I will see what tomorrow brings. Mandy was glad to have the car and that has made her happy and James is still the best.