Thursday, November 15, 2001

T-bone Steak, Chips, peas and onion rings. That is what I have had for my dinner this evening. J is staying with us for the weekend and we all went out for a meal. I just couldn't resist having T-bone steak is was wonderful it made my mouth water and I am still thinking about it now. I can say that is was one of the best steaks that I have had in a long time, my complements to the chief Muddle Go Nowhere pub Grantham. Mandy had her usual Hickory Chicken and J had fillet Steak which he said was very good and rated it as 7 and a half out of ten which is a good mark for him. James had turkey dinosaurs that also disappeared very fast as well. The meal was a good end to what was a good day. We spent the rest of the evening talking and watching a video. It is nice to have good friends around and I still can't wait until tomorrow night when J and I go to Nottingham to see the Harry Potter film 23 hours 35 minutes and counting.


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