Monday, September 17, 2001

Well it is Monday and I and to go to work very early this morning which I found hard. Then I had an ok day at work apart from things not going to well at 0600 it was ok. Got home at 1430 only to fall asleep in the chair and to be woken up by Mandy reminding me that I had to go to mend a friend’s computer. I couldn’t quite get the computer going so I had to leave that for another friend to get going and then rushed home for a meeting at our house at 7pm. the meeting was the highlight of the whole day I suppose because all the things that I needed to get passed were passed and I have got some new ideas about what to do with my Youth Group over the next few years. So I have had a very full day today and I am now ready for bed so I think that is were I am heading I hope.


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