Thursday, September 13, 2001

I was not going to comment on the resent events in America because I feel that although my heart goes out to the people who have been hurt at this time and I know that there has been a lot of suffering. I just can’t get out of my head that there is still a lot more suffering going on in the world today that any one would like to think about I mean children dieing because of lack of food and medical supplies men and women fleeing from war and famine to name a few. I feel that if it wasn’t for the fact that it has happened to the USA and not somewhere in Africa then the news and all the hype from the media would not be the same. Famine is old news, terrorism in the USA is today’s and tomorrow it will be something else. My hart goes out to the people in the USA and I do pray for them but I also pray for those people who have been forgotten and are still in need.

Suggestions on how to pray about the American tragedy of September 11, 2001

"Though it is difficult, start with praise. Focus on God's character. Praise God that He is sovereign, that He has ultimate control over all, and that nothing takes Him by surprise
Pray for...
· The victims and families of the World Trade Centre and Pentagon attack
· The victims of the other terrorist attacks
· The President and his aides as they formulate a response
· The response and safety of emergency and medical workers
· The response of Christians who minister to the hurt
'Go, sell all that you have and give it to the poor!'
God are you angry with the divisions in our cities?
The enormous gulf between rich and poor,
how some live with plenty while others struggle to live with dignity?
God do you weep with the women who sell their bodies to provide food for their families.
Not because they want to, but because there seems to be no alternative?
God do you despair because young people cannot reach their full potential,
Because the education system is weighted against them,
And they have to contend with a culture of drugs and crime?
God, who lives in each of us, do you feel the cold of the homeless, who sleep on our streets?
The pain of those who suffer abuse and violence, or the indignity of being unemployed?
God of the city,
Challenge our complacency,
Confront our self-satisfaction,
Provoke in us a craving for change.
Give us the understanding that you also suffer in the poverty and
dislocation of our society.
Make us dissatisfied with what is,
Help us understand our responsibilities and to have a driving compassion
which will not let us rest until justice is done.

A Prayer for uprooted people
God of all humility
God of the wandering refugee
God who has nowhere to lay your head -
you hear the cries of cast-out people,
threatened, persecuted,
driven out by terror and cruel treatment,
out of their homes, their countries, their cultures …
You knock on the door of the world
waiting to be welcomed, waiting to enter
a place you can call your home -
Give us eyes to see you in strangers
tongues to speak welcome in other languages
ears to hear the refugees' story
minds to honour them for who they are
hearts to embrace them in one family.
God who has nowhere to lay your head,
God of the wandering refugee,
God of all humility. Amen

Father in heaven, hear the prayers of Your people this day. Comfort the grieving; comfort Your people, heal our world. Awaken OUR hearts to pray and intercede for a revival of godly sorrow, repentance and new commitment to God; may a revival of righteousness sweep across our world. Bring America back to God, In Christ's Name, Amen."


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