Sunday, January 06, 2002

Today was a good day we all went to Church for our Covenant service. the whole service was good including the preaching which was by our minister who normally does a good preach anyway. James was sick on the way home it was his normal car sickness, it is funny to think that I used to get car sickness when I was his age as well. the rest of the day Mandy James and I just chilled I fell asleep in the chair and enjoyed the last of the weekend and my holidays before I go back to work tomorrow morning. the only good thing that tomorrow offers me it the first screening in the UK of the new Star Trek series Enterprise. I can't wait for it to be on I have heard so much about it and it all has been good I hope that I am not let down, but I don't think I will. So tomorrow will be the first time that I go to work for the new year of 2002 I hope that it will be a good one.


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