Thursday, September 27, 2001

I have finally got myself in front of my PC. I ended up working overtime last night and I spent the whole morning in bed and then went to work, which was ok but I am glad to be at home now. Mandy had a meeting at church so we asked C if she would look after James while I was at work, I don’t even think that James knew as I think that he was in bed asleep while C was here. I am glad because if he new she was in the house he wouldn’t of gone to sleep at all. I hear that the meeting was a bit of a bad one because the things that we wanted talked about have ended up being changed and mixed up and now we have to rethink things again never mind. I have just been watching one of my favourite Star Trek films on TV “The Voyage Home” I like it because there are some classic quotes in it and they make me laugh, which I think it the point. Mandy just says that I am a geek and leave me to it. I am on my third Star Trek book by the way and I am happily about to start my fourth. I am not a geek honest.


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