Thursday, January 24, 2002

Had a good day today and my bike got me to work and back. chilled when I got home and read some of my book. I had a interesting mail form someone called Simon who asked me why I put my Wish list on this Blog. I had to think about it and I replied with this mail.

Hi Simon,
Thanks for you mail and interest in my Weblog. You ask why I publish my wish list on my Blog? Well first why not? I mean what is the point of a wish list any way? It is a place for me to show people what I would like and in a sense wish for if I had the money, if they would like to buy something for me then that would be cool but I am not ever expecting to get anything off any one.
Also it is a bit of fun, may be even a way of showing people the sort of things that I like and what I am in to. There is an other point that quite a lot of my friends and family read my Blog so it's a good way of showing them what I would like to have for birthdays and things.
I have noticed that there are some other Bolggers that have put wish lists on their Blogs as well, some times I like to look at theirs to see if I have the same kind of tastes as them or even the same things and some times I have found something that I like and have even put it on my list because it looks good. I think that the whole point of putting my list on my Blog was because it give people who come to my Blog something else to look at.
I hope that I have answered you question and I do hope that you have enjoyed reading my Weblog and feel free to visit my life any time to see what I am up to. If you have any other questions the feel free to ask and I will try and get back to you.

God Bless


I think that it about sums up why. now go on and look at my wish list you know you won’t to.


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