Sunday, December 16, 2001

I haven’t been bloging for a few days because I just really needed to stop, chill, do nothing at all, and that meant not bloging. James has also been ill which meant that I haven’t had any sleep at all because I have been on early’s all week. I just can’t wait for my holiday at the New Year. Church was great today and I was glad that I didn’t have to record it today, as it was just good to worship and not have any thing to think about other than that. James is getting ready for the Sunday school nativity pay next week I think that he is looking forward to that. We are about the have my youth fellowship around for a tree dressing party and a Chinese take away meal as well. It should be a good time to chill and talk before Christmas. It has become part of out Christmas traditions that I hope will carry on for some time, at least until James is old enough to do it. Life is fine at the moment.


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