Out of my Depth in His Depths
Richard Lyall (aka craftycurate) has blogged on the pictuer below and says this."I went to Bible College 6 years ago, and have never felt "in my depth" since. But I've felt particularly out of my depth this last week. Life has moved very fast, and gone very deep ...
... swept up in job-seeking process that is largely outwith my control
... facing deep things in myself I don't understand
... sensing a renewed call to courageously pursue what God has laid on my heart, whatever it costs, wherever it leads, and whatever reaction it provokes in those around me
But there is a deeper current underneath it all, carrying me along. Whatever depths I've got myself into, humanly speaking, are over my head. But they are completely swallowed up in his depths."
I can really relate to this picture and his thoughts. I often feel out of my depth and more so this week as I have been give temporary promotion for the next two weeks and have to look after 4 departments and about 90 -100 staff. Today was my first day back from a few days holiday it just feels like I have had a head transplant. I only hope that I can keep it up for the next two weeks.

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