Wednesday, February 08, 2006

What can I say??

What a day you know I wasn’t going to talk about my day to day but hey what a pain in the butt. I got up late witch was ok but I had lodes of things to do and never got nothing done because I ran out of time. The phone never stopped until I went to work and then that was the start! My department had been slowed down for at few weeks to I had to move myself and my staff to another department to work witch was ok but the team leader there had been a pain all day. When I finally got out form work I got in the car and found that my exhaust pipe had fell off and had to drive home with eh thing bouncing on the floor. But hay what you can do at 1030 at night. The best thing was that I was at the exhaust place on Saturday and was told that they could only get a new part for Wednesday and it would be ok until then as it is only a small hole. Yes I know I saw it but it seems to have got worse from then on??


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