Sunday, December 28, 2003

The Pharasees in the Temple

Interesting thought when You get something new you feel compelled to look after it and put it away which is only right. I have just noticed that I am already slipping and I found my new book on the floor with the cover off where it fell when I was asleep. I don't know!!
Another thought our church has moved in to our new building and had our first proper service this weekend. I can already see people trying to keep the place looking nice again it is right and needs to be. However I feel there is a small amount of building worship going on at the moment and I hope and pray the it end soon. I mean yes we should all be proud and go through a time of patting ourselves on the back and saying well done. I just hope that it will end soon and we just get on with using the building and letting it get used by the community by letting it be knocked about a bit, after all I feel Jesus would like to see this happen, otherwise we should be as bad as the pharasees in the temple and we don't want that.


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