Monday, March 18, 2002

I have been reading a blog called Keep Trying for some time now. I like to read what Mike Sanders has to say while I know that I will never get in to his league of blogging, I find that some of the questions that he purposes have a lot of meet in them and I suppose that is why I like the site. It makes me think, and I need to do some thinking at times. His latest question is about Relational Blogging and whether or not the cyber-identities that we portray to the rest of the world though our blogs are healthy or not? He quotes Dave Roger’s blog where he says that we need to question cyber-identities because we're lacking crucial face-to-face communication.
I agree with them both. We do need to question our thoughts and relationships with other bloggers because we can be drawn in to an artificial persona of their lives and never even have the opportunity to talk to them or to really get to know them or who they are. It s all right for me to post about my life but I have always set my self some rules when posting. I never really let my posts get too personal. I don’t show my dirty laundry in public. I have felt like it sometimes and have been very close to just letting all my thoughts go in to my post but I feel it would be wrong. I have to think of my family and friends that read this blog while most of my close friends and family probably know it all any way but, I still don’t post them. I try and give my readers a small look in to my life which I hope will show some thing about me, but not the whole me, because we all have to keep some of our self’s to our self’s. I try and show in my posts the love of my family we way live, the way Mandy my wife is doing a wonderful job teaching and caring for our son James, my love for them both, my son and the way in which he is growing and learning about the world around us. I fell that the most important thing is that I hope to show is my faith and love of God and how has helped me.
So Yes if any one feels that the have got to know me thought the time that I have been posting to this blog then I can say unless you really know me personally then you will never fully get the whole story of my life and I think that it should only be that way.


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