A vision Farther up Farther in

I was praying with some friends tonight about our church, and the need for more worship leaders and the worship in our church and how we feel it could be more pleasing to God. What can I say but wow thank you Lord! I had a picture come in my mind as I was praying which positively blown me away. It was just the most vivid feeling that I have had in prayer in some time. I can hardly put it in to words but I must try and put it down so I won’t forget it so here it is.
I felt like I was at our church standing up but looking down in to the worship area from our children’s area, which is upstairs and has a glass window looking down into the worship area. I knew that someone was with me but I couldn’t see whom but I knew it was God. From there I could see the worshiping people sitting and standing as they were worship God. I could also see the worship group and the preacher leading them in their worship and it felt good. Then I felt like the there was a power coming form the people who were worshiping God. This power or what ever it was, was so powerful that I began to feel like I was being lifted from the floor and flying in the air like I was a feather in the face of all this power. Then it was as if the words were in my mind not like a voice because God was not saying it but just the feeling or the memory that I should say the words form C.S. Lewis’ book The Last Battle “Farther up Farther in”.
I think that God is saying something to us through this, that we are doing the right thing in our worship, that our worship is pleasing to him and has power. If what I felt was a taste of the power that comes form worship God the way we do now then wow what power have we got by worshiping him even more. Also I think that he is also saying to us as a church that we should keep on trying to move and do more new things to go “Farther up Farther in”.
Thank you, Lord God for tonight and the vision you have given me may I learn and trust you to go “Farther up Farther in”.