Intresting not sure what to think about this
ABC Latest to Assault Christian Sensitivities
Tom Perrault
What in the wide, wide world of blogs is going on here?
How much more can be done to offend Christians in this country? Fasten your seatbelts, because ABC News has produced a "documentary" (Let's just call it what it is -- a mock-you-drama) purporting to reveal new "evidence" about the life of Jesus Christ. [Jesus, Mary and DaVinci -- ABC News website] Included in this journalistic epic is the revelation that Jesus may not have been celibate and may have actually fathered a child.
From the program's description: Elizabeth Vargas explores these and other controversial theories about the lives of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, who some scholars believe was not a prostitute, as she is often portrayed, but rather Jesus' wife -- and perhaps even the mother of his child.
This is the latest outrage in a year of unbelievable developments against Christians, including:
CBS News broadcasts a stereotypical, straw-man attack on home schooling -- generally embraced by Christian families with genuine concern for both the character and education of their children.
A decorated war hero, General Jerry Boykin, has come under intense, focused assault from Democrats and the national media for referencing Satan and a "battle of good versus evil" while speaking in a church.
A federal court nominee, Charles W. Pickering, has been chastised for his "extreme" religious beliefs (the man is a Baptist!) by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Our attorney general has received open, harsh criticism for daring to read the Bible (egads!) on a regular basis.
In Canada, it will soon be a "hate crime" to publicly state that homosexuality is a sin -- and this includes sermons from the pulpit. What's next --condemning adultery will be against the law?
On a weekly basis, every vestige of Christianity is being systematically extricated from public view -- from a Ten Commandments statue in Alabama to crosses memorializing drunk driving victims along Maryland's highways.
Now, our friends at ABC tackle this subject, which they claim will be handled in a "sensitive" manner. Oh good. For a moment there, I thought you might present something sacrilegious about our Lord and Savior. I feel much better knowing that your standards of sensitivity will be governing this farce. Tell me guys: Would you even think of broadcasting a similarly inflammatory "historical expose" on Mohammed, or Buddha? Of course not.
Is it paranoid to suppose that we are rapidly approaching a day when Christianity is illegal in the United States? Better think twice before affixing that dangerously radical fish symbol to the back of your car.